CD: Sei Sonate Per Cembalo; Alberto Jose Gomes da Silva. Performed by Mafalda Nejmeddine
Sei Sonate Per Cembalo; Alberto Jose Gomes da Silva. Performed by Mafalda Nejmeddi
In Sei Sonate Per Cembalo, keyboardist Mafalda Nejmeddine performs on the Jose Calisto Harpsichord, 1780, NMM 6204.
Mafalda Nejmeddine. Recorded at the National Music Museum on October 1st, 2017. Duration: 56:35.
Track List:
Sonata I Ré Maior/ Sonata I in D Major*
1. I-Sinfonia. Allegro2. II-Andantino
3. III-Allegro
Sonata II em Sol Maior/ Sonata II in G Major
4. I- Preludio. Allegro Assai*5. II-[Andante]
6. III- Minuete*
Sonata III em Si bemol Maior/ Sonata III in B-flat Major*
7. I-Allegro brilliante8. II-Minuete
Sonata IV em Mi Menor/Sonata IV in E minor
9. I-Allegro
10. II-Minuete. Andante. Nell stille della chitára Portughesse
Sonata V em Fá Menor/ Sonata V in F minor*
11. I-Allegretto12. II-Minuete
Sonata VI em Ré Maior/ Sonata VI in D Major*
13. I-Allegro
14. II-Minuete
*Estreia discografica/ Premiere recording
From the CD Sleeve:
“Alberto José Gomes da Silva was a composer, music teacher, organist and harpsichordist who lived in Lisbon in the 18th century.” “ Sei Sonate per Cembalo is one of “two collections for keyboard to be printed in Portugal during the whole of the 18th century.” “From the stylistic point of view the sonatas present writing in the galant style, which is shown by a homophonic texture, by a slow harmonic rhythm with several half cadences and some perfect cadences… and by an accompaniment which is varied through the use of arpeggios, arpeggiated chords, broken octaves, drum bass and murky bass.” “The collection Sei Sonate per Cembalo is organized as a cycle which starts and finishes in the same key, making use of similar melodic motif to start the first and last sonatas. The present discographic edition presents the complete collection for the first time, played on a Portuguese harpsichord built at the time of the composition of the sonatas.”